NOVEMBER 1st & 2nd, 2024
Olympia, WA
Check-in begins at 4:00 on Friday, Dismissal at 3:30 on Saturday.
You can Register Online or print the brochure and mail your registration.
Deadline to register is Monday, October 21st, 2024
Note: Payments must be mailed paid online, or paid in person upon arrival at the retreat.
Scholarships funds are available. Please contact the registrar for more information.
(360) 270-1136
Our Speaker...
Rev. Jeremy Wilson
Lutheran Brethren Church, Nampa, ID
Jeremy Wilson was born and raised in Brockville, Ontario. He moved to Iowa to learn band instrument repair and met his wife, Shannon. They began attending the DeWitt Lutheran Fellowship where Jeremy had the opportunity to work with the youth and teach the Adult Sunday School class. Feeling the call into ministry, Jeremy completed his Bachelor's degree and moved to Fergus Falls to get his Master of Divinity. He accepted a call to the Lutheran Brethren Church of Nampa in Idaho and has now been there over 10 years as its sole pastor. Jeremy and Shannon have an adult daughter, Anora, and they enjoy camping, cooking, and their various hobbies.